SyFy Passes On Full Series For Ascension


SyFy recently debuted the 6-hour event mini-series, Ascension, with hopes to turn it into a full series.

However, that’s not happening.

Deadline reports SyFy has decided to pass on an Ascension series.

“We were very happy with Ascension as an event series, but with so much high profile development in the works, we have decided not to pursue a full series,” Syfy said in a statement.

It’s guessed the ratings weren’t exactly where SyFy executives wanted the Ascension event series to be at, which obviously means no full series.

Ascension followed a covert U.S. space mission launched in the 1960’s that sent hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world.  Half way into their journey, as they approached the point of no return, the mysterious murder of a young woman caused the ship’s population to question the true nature of their mission. 

The series starred Brandon P. Bell, Brian Van Holt, and Tricia Helfer.

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