Supergirl Described As Crime Series; Costume Is Awesome


Coming out of the Television Critics Association from this past weekend are details about the CBS Supergirl TV series.

In their article, states “you can definitely expect the show to be a crime procedural,” which means Supergirl will be stopping the bad guys with each episode (and we are guessing not an actual detective).

However, it is also stated the Supergirl TV series will include serialized elements for an overall story arc for the season.

“There will be [crime] cases, but what [executive producers] Ali Adler and Greg Berlanti pitched was a real series arc for her,” CBS entertainment chairman Nina Tassler said. “The beauty of it is now with shows like Good Wife and Madam Secretary, you can have serialized story elements woven into a case of the week. She’s a crime solver, so she’s going to have to solve a crime. She’s going to get a bad guy.”

It’s also said that Supergirl hasn’t been cast yet, and it appears as if they are going for a lesser known actress for the role.

Tassler said of the actress that will end up playing Supergirl “She’s got to be an every woman. She’s got to be specific. She’s got to be a terrific actor.”

Tassler continued by describing Supergirl as: a very strong, independent young woman. She’s coming into her own. She’s dealing with family issues. She’s dealing with work issues. It’s a female empowerment story. If you look at the strong female characters we have on the air, it really is resonant of that … We’re big feminists. It’s her intellect, it’s her skill, it’s her smarts. It’s all of those elements. It’s not just her strength, which she does have.”

While Supergirl has yet to be cast, the Supergirl costume is ready.

“We have seen the costume,” Tassler said, adding that it’s being created by Oscar winner Colleen Atwood, who also did the costumes for Arrow and The Flash. “Awesome costume.”

It’s expected the Supergirl TV series will debut next Fall on CBS.

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