Super Heroes Are The Death Of The Movie Star Says Anthony Mackie

Super Heroes Are The Death Of The Movie Star Says Anthony Mackie

Much like how video killed the radio star, now The Avengers’ Anthony Mackie says super heroes have killed the movie star.

Mackie, who plays Marvel’s Falcon, discussed the state of the movie industry at the recent MCM London Comic Con back in October.

“There are no movie stars anymore,” Mackie explained. “Like Anthony Mackie isn’t a movie star. The Falcon is a movie star. And that’s what’s weird. It used to be with Tom Cruise and Will Smith and Stallone and Schwarzenegger, when you went to the movies, you went to see the Stallone movie. You went to see the Schwarzenegger movie. Now you go see X-Men. So the evolution of the super hero has meant the death of the movie star. “

Anthony Mackie says Hollywood is different now and only caters to “16-year-olds and China,” and he says classic films would never be made today.

“Think of some of your favorite movies growing up, those movies wouldn’t get made today. [Goonies] wouldn’t get made today. [Halloween] wouldn’t get made today. [Thing] wouldn’t get made today. You watch Stranger Things on Netflix, Stranger Thing is Goonies.”  

Anthony Mackie also brings up a good point in that it’s cheaper to stay home and watch movies as it costs a lot less. Watch more from Mackie below: 

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