Stephen Amell Announces Code 8 Beer Pong Perk


Today happens to be the last day of Stephen and Robbie Amell’s Code 8 movie IndieGoGo campaign, which has amassed a whopping $1.43 million dollars.

Stephen Amell just released a video announcing a new perk: beer pong (watch below)!

Stephen and Robbie Amell will fly a fan out to LA to participate in beer pong with the cast, which will be taped and take place in a bar.

One lucky winner will be picked from those who contribute and pick any perk.

You can go here to donate; there are loads of cool perks available.

For an added incentive, yours truly has just signed on for the “Be An Extra” perk. Come join me on the set of Code 8!

Watch the Code 8 short below as well.

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