Star Wars: Episode VIII Filming In Ireland


Disney and LucasFilm are returning to Ireland to film Star Wars: Episode VIII as it’s reported the Irish government has unveiled a new partnership to allow use of the ancient location of Skellig Michael.

THR reports  permission has been granted for Lucasfilm to return to the historical location, which has been a protected UNESCO world heritage site since 1996, provided no damage comes to the island’s ecology or bird life.

“Sceilg Mhichil (Skellig Michael) is one of our most dramatic and beautiful islands and it is very easy to understand why its stunning scenery has caught the attention of the makers of one of the world’s biggest film franchises,” said government official Heather Humphreys in a statement. “The return of Star Wars to Sceilg Mhichil is another win for Ireland and the Irish film industry, which is a growing and dynamic sector of our economy.”

Humphreys added: “Specialist staff from my Department have been in discussions with Lucasfilm since March of this year in relation to a limited amount of filming, expected to last two to four days.”

J.J. Abrams’s filmed Star Wars: The Force Awakens at Skellig Michael last year.

The untitled “Star Wars: Episode VIII” has a May 26, 2017 release date directed by Rian Johnson.

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