Russo Brothers Next Marvel Movie Killed By Scarlett Johansson Lawsuit


It’s learned that as a result of the Scarlett Johansson lawsuit over Black Widow that a new Marvel movie from the Russo brothers is currently not happening.

The Wall Street Journal posted an article, “How Disney and Scarlett Johansson reached the point of no return,” that takes an inside look at the Scarlett Johansson lawsuit over Black Widow getting a Disney Plus release where mention is made that the Russo brothers were in talks to direct another Marvel movie, but it’s said those talks are now apparently on hold due to the Disney dispute with Scarlett Johansson which left them “left them unsure”:

Since the lawsuit, brothers Joe Russo and Anthony Russo, directors of Marvel’s “Avengers: Endgame,” the highest-grossing movie of all time, hit an impasse in negotiations to direct another Marvel movie. The Johansson dispute left them unsure how their next movie would be distributed and how they would be paid, according to people familiar with the matter. The Russos declined to comment.

The article doesn’t mention the movie, but rumors have offered the Russo brothers were going to direct a Secret Wars movie, which is a flick the pair have also said they wanted to direct at Marvel as they are big fans of the original comic book storyline.

Another possibility could be a new film involving Chris Evans, as not only is Evans said to be returning to the MCU in some form – unrelated to Captain America 4 starring Anthony Mackie – but following having completed filming on The Avengers: Endgame, the Russos teased Evans wasn’t done with Marvel just yet.

It could be possible that if the Black Widow lawsuit gets resolved that the Russo brothers and Disney/Marvel could continue their talks, so cross your fingers the lawsuit gets resolved rather quickly.

Black Widow Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson thought Black Widow would hit a billion at the box office

What is also interesting is that the article reveals that Scarlett Johansson and her team were asking Disney for $100 million – as a starting point – for Black Widow getting released on Disney Plus based on calculations the movie would make $1.2 billion at the box office, but obviously Disney didn’t agree with that number and the lawsuit was filed:

The deal, as pitched, would pay Ms. Johansson a total of $100 million for the movie, including her $20 million salary. It was an eye-popping sum, but her team saw it as a starting point.

Disney never responded with a counteroffer.

The Black Widow box office currently stands at $370 million worldwide with another $60 million from the Disney Plus release.

(via Fox)

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