Ridley Scott F-Bombs Batman Vs. Superman


Ridley Scott is no fan of comic book movies.

The director of the upcoming Alien: Covenant told press that he's not into supehero flicks at all (I was told he turned down Justice League years ago).

"Superhero movies are not my kind of thing – that's why I've never really done one," Ridley Scott said, reports Digital Spy. "[I've been asked] several times, but I can't believe in the thin, gossamer tight-rope of the non-reality of the situation of the superhero."

Ridley Scott goes on to state that he's already done a comic book movie of sorts with Blade Runner, and then drops an f-bomb about Batman vs. Superman not having a good story.

"I've done that kind of movie – Blade Runner really is a comic strip when you think about it, it's a dark story told in an unreal world," Scott said. "You could almost put Batman or Superman in that world, that atmosphere, except I'd have a f**king good story, as opposed to no story!"

It's not just comic book movies that Ridley Scott is down on as he says all movies as of late aren't that good.

"Cinema mainly is pretty bad," Scott said and admitted he's "concerned" for its future prospects. "I want to keep doing cinema and I hope it doesn't affect those of us who still keep making smart films. I'm hoping it doesn't affect me."

Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant has a May 19, 2017 release, and Scott is also serving as producer on Blade Runner 2049.

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