Review: X-O Manowar #5


The “Summer of Valiant” may be coming to a close, but the comics world continues to heat up each week as another Valiant book hits the shelves! Not only does Valiant strive to push their characters forward into the hearts and minds of fans, they also are bringing some of the best comic characters back to the forefront of the industry. This week it’s — Ninjak!

Robert Venditti’s tale of a man displaced in time continues here, and we get an inside look at just how emotionally scarred Aric is from knowing everything he has ever held dear is gone. Venditti makes the reader connect on a deeper level with Aric, revealing his vulnerabilities and even his arrogance while wielding the X-O armor. A flawed man in a desperate time, Aric is someone we can sympathize with and enthusiastically root for as he unleashes his frustrations upon an unwitting world! 

The juxtaposition between the morose barbarian Aric, and the calculated assassin Ninjak — is perfect. Ancient ideas and modern concepts clash in a too short battle. Their differences are vast, while their parallels end at a mounting body count. And believe me, the bloodshed is quite staggering in this issue! All the more reason to covet this series!

A fast paced, intelligent tale — Robert Venditti delivers lightening in a bottle yet again! If you haven’t picked up this series yet, there is still time to delve into the Valiant Universe. The “Summer” may be over but the “Arcs” are just about to begin!

Be bold, be unique — be Valiant!  

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