Review: American Vampire #23


Travis is a young man with a lot of likes. He likes fast cars, records by The Nocturnes, he likes girls in poodle skirts and cigarettes. Like I said, he has a lot of likes. But he only has one love. The love of killing vampires!

Chapter two of the “Death Race” storyline comes out of the gate full throttle, shifting gears between Travis’ past and present faster than a race down Deadman’s Curve. Through flashbacks, Snyder shows us there is a depth to this “greaser” that we never knew, and maybe don’t want to. Tragedy seems to have nestled its way into the soul of Travis, and nothing will help rectify that incessant ache like killing the man that is speeding away from him. The man that killed his parents!

This is a fabulous issue, loaded with tension, slamming gears and revelations! After the — what I thought to be not on par — “Beast In the Cave” storyline, Snyder is firing on all cylinders with the past two issues. Excitement pummels you as the “Rock A Billy” style tale slams into drive and you are forced to hold on as Travis’ world is sent careening over the edge. The youngest vampire hunter and coolest cat since the originator Skinner Sweet, must decide how much he is willing to lose in order to exact revenge. Especially when his prey is even more vicious when cornered!

Snyder and Albuquerque have outdone themselves on this issue. To create a character that fans instantly love is no small feat, but to have done it twice in a twenty-three issue span — completely unheard of! I hope that we get to see the character of Travis far past the four issue arc of “Death Race.” He is unique and multi-faceted, a true pleasure to read.

So roll up your boot cut jeans, tuck a Lucky Strike behind your ear and get your motor runnin’ to the nearest soda shop with the newest copy of American Vampire! It’s the coolest daddio!

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