No Deadpool 4 For Ryan Reynolds: ‘Boy Band’ Instead With Jackman, Levy

No Deadpool 4 For Ryan Reynolds: 'Boy Band' Instead With Jackman, Levy

The band is getting back together but not how you think. Ryan Reynolds recently hinted he isn’t doing Deadpool 4, stating he doesn’t want to be kept away from his family, yet it’s learned he’s reteaming with both Hugh Jackman and Shawn Levy on a Boy Band movie.

Back in early November, Reynolds first let it be known he was reteaming with Hugh Jackman and Shawn Levy on a non-Marvel movie that he is taking a year to write. Now the first details become known.

deadpool wolverine ryan reynolds hugh jackman shawn levy bts

Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Shawn Levy back for non-Marvel movie

In an interview with THR, Reynolds said he is developing Boy Band, which is “about people in their 40s and 50s trying to get their lives back,” he told the site.

Reynolds added, “I really want to make Boy Band, and I’m still trying to figure out the smartest way to put that together.” 

Worth a mention is the film doesn’t sounds as big and grandiose as say a Deadpool 4, and it sounds more like a low-budget flick.

“This feels like it needs to have an extremely modest budget, and one that wouldn’t be all about going to pay above-the-line actors,” he said. “Shawn, Hugh and I are open to creative ways to make this movie at an absolute bargain.”

What is Boy Band about?

Reynolds reveals he is on the second draft of the script and offers what Boy Band is about:

“A lot of members of boy bands — and there are a lot of them — had managers who left them high and dry. They experienced levels of fame that would be very difficult for anyone to navigate, let alone an adolescent, when you are farming out your self-worth to an audience of screaming people. It creates a kind of arrested cultural development. They’re forever associated with that period of time in their lives. This would be about people in their 40s and 50s trying to get their lives back. I think there is something beautiful about that. The north star for me as a producer is joy. I feel like cynicism is a contracting industry, and doesn’t have a great shelf life.”

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Why no Deadpool 4?

Regarding why no Deadpool 4 or a sequel to the $1.3 billion Deadpool & Wolverine, Reynolds actually said, “I don’t think I can do that again”:

“I don’t know. Honestly, my feeling is that the character works very well in two ways. One is scarcity and surprise. So it had been six years since the last one, and part of the reason is that it swallows my whole life. I have four kids, and I don’t ever want to be an absentee [dad].”

“I kind of die inside when I see their faces and they do a sports thing or something and I missed it.”

“Deadpool’s a supporting character much more than he is the center. We center him sometimes because that’s what they want but you can’t center him unless you take everything away from him. You have to create a situation where he’s so much the underdog. I don’t think I can do that again.”

If he comes back, it’s gonna be in someone else’s movie. Channing Tatum…I would happily be a fifth banana in his movie or anyone else.”

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