Moon Knight debuts tonight on the Disney Plus streaming service with its Rotten Tomatoes Score now available as reviews are hitting the review aggregate site.
With 68 reviews presently accounted for, the Moon Knight Rotten Tomatoes score stands at 88%, with its Audience Score just about the same at 89%.
You can read my review here where I offer that I loved the first episode as it’s more on the serious side of things and is not your typical MCU film or show, which is a good thing.
Let’s dive into what the negative reviews have to say below.

Moon Knight: What the negative reviews say
Sorting by top critics, there are six negative reviews, and worth a mention is that reviewers have been provided with the first four of the six episodes, so bear that in mind, and you might also not want to read any further for fear that what they have to say might influence what you think of the series.
The first listed negative review from NPR in part offers, “Moon Knight plays out as an insular psychodrama involving the three characters played by Isaac, only one of which… is clearly defined enough to hold our interest..”
The Financial Times review states, “Moon Knight is so bewilderingly convoluted as to be almost invulnerable to spoilers. It is less immune, however, to criticisms of lackluster scripting, tortuous plotting and pseudo-philosophical musings about human nature and identity.”
BBC’s review, “It ends up feeling both bloated and disposable, something that ultimately has no great purpose to exist other than as another piece of content thrown into the jaws of the Disney+ machine.”
Via Rolling Stone, “There are many interesting aspects to Moon Knight, but neither the comic books nor this TV show named for him quite know what to do with them all.”
From indieWire, “Housed within another movie stretched into a series, Moon Knight dulls two stars that should be lighting up the Marvel universe.”
And from THR, “Moon Knight barely factors into his own story.”
So from skimming some of the negative reviews (I’ve only watched the first episode), it seems some of them don’t like how there is “so” much tension in the episode(s) and that the episode(s) takes “too long” to get where it does.
I disagree as at least in regards to the first episode, I thoroughly enjoyed how things were built up from the perspective of Steven Grant, and I liked how it showed – or didn’t show – the Marc Spector personality and only revealed what it did in those final moments.
Obviously, I can’t comment on the remaining episodes, so I am hoping there is a lot more going to happen, and I am also hoping that Moon Knight is simply too cerebral of a show for these particular reviewers.