Men In Black To Be Rebooted As Trilogy Minus Will Smith


The Men In Black reboot is currently in development as producers Walter Parkes and Laurie MacDonald confirm they are in the thick of things.

That’s not all that is learned as the duo also made mention the Men In Black reboot will be a trilogy and most likely without Will Smith returning as Agent Jay (via THR).

PARKES We’re in the middle of it. It’s very active.

Is Will Smith going to be part of it?

PARKES Most likely no.

MACDONALD It will be reinvented as a trilogy.

It’s also been said the Men In Black reboot will feature a crossover with the Jump Street films featuring Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill.

Will Smith is currently involved with Warner Bros. and their DC property, Suicide Squad, in what is most likely a multi-picture deal.

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