Melissa Benoist’s Supergirl Joins DCU Online


With Supergirl set to premiere next Monday, Daybreak Games have announced the Melissa Benoist Supergirl costume is now available on DCU Online.


Kara Zor-El has a new look in DCUO, based on Melissa Benoist’s character in the new television series, which premieres October 26, 2015 on CBS. Heroes and villains in Metropolis can see Supergirl’s transformation throughout the game in various missions and instances. Anywhere that Supergirl appeared in her traditional costume before has been updated to her new TV costume, for a limited time.

If you want a closer look, Heroes can head to the Watchtower and catch up with Supergirl in the Meta Wing. Additionally, this new Supergirl costume is also now available in Legends for Members only! Members can permanently unlock this new Supergirl for 100 Marks of Legend. And the previous Supergirl Legends characters will still be available in game.

The Supergirl update follows the recent release of Episode 17, which introduced iconic speedster The Flash as a playable Legends character, as well as two new pieces of story content – Unholy Matrimony and The Flash Museum Burglary. For more information on Episode 17, click here.  

For more information on DC Universe Online, check out the game’s official website,

DCUO Supergirl RednerStandingPose
DCUO Supergirl RenderSideProfile

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