Matt Reeves Starting On The Batman Movie


Good news as Matt Reeves is now starting work on the new Batman movie!

Ben Affleck recently stepped down from directing the Batman film with WB choosing Matt Reeves to take charge.

However, the Batman movie had to be placed on hold while Matt Reeves worked on the War for the Planet of the Apes flick.

With War for the Planet of the Apes coming out in a few weeks, now Matt Reeves can turn his attention to the Batman.

Matt Reeves fills in Comic Book: 

“Look, I’m just starting Batman because literally, [War for the Planet of the Apes], as I just said, we finished about a we ago and now we’re publicizing it. So, we haven’t even begun on Batman. For me, what’s always important is to try and find a personal way in. In that way, I do feel like I relate to actors. It’s about understanding emotionally, the way something is. I see this parallel between Caesar and Batman, really, which is this idea of these characters who are grappling with their own struggle and trying to do the right thing in an imperfect world and, so, I do really relate it to that kind of idea.”

The previous Batman movie script was written by Ben Affleck and Geoff Johns. It’s currently unknown how much of that script will carry over to the Matt Reeves Batman movie. The Affleck and Johns script did feature Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, but use of the character now seems up in the air as in a recent interview, Joe Manganiello stated he wasn’t sure if Deathstroke will still be in the film.

It was also thought Jared Leto’s Joker might have possibly been in the Ben Affleck Batman movie, as Leto teased Joker on social media, but things have since quieted down about any Joker involvement in the Matt Reeves Batman movie.

It’s further been said that Matt Reeves has taken complete control of the new Batman movie, which might see a complete script rewrite.

Honestly, I would rather have them take their time with a Batman movie than rush something out, which seems like what they did with Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad.  

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