Lucy Lane Headed To Supergirl


It’s learned Superwoman may be headed to the CBS Supergirl TV series as it’s said Lucy Lane will be appearing in the third episode.

TVLine reports Lucy Lane will be introduced in the third episode and will be a recurring character. It’s unknown if Lucy Lane will become Superwoman, but the character is described as being in her mid-20s to early 30s and brash, funny and beautiful as her sister Lois, yet strong, smart and successful in her own right.

It’a also stated that similar to her DC Comics character, Lucy Lane will be an ex-girlfriend of Jimmy Olsen (played by Mehcad Brooks).

In the comics, Lucy Lane as Superwoman wasn’t actually a Kryptonian, but had a suit/containment field that simulated Kryptonian powers.

An actress has yet to be cast as Lucy Lane for Supergirl.

“Supergirl” premieres Monday, October 26th on CBS at 8:30pm starring Melissa Benoist.

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