The Last Starfighter Sequel Finally In The Works?

Watch: The Last Starfighter Modern Trailer

There has been recent talk of a reboot as well as talk of a sequel for the past thirty years, and now The Last Starfighter may be blasting off again.

Yahoo has an article on “how The Last Starfighter became a cult hit and why a sequel may finally take flight” where they talk to the original screenwriter behind the fan-favorite sci-fi film.

While the film has been caught up in legal complications between Warner Bros., Universal – and who knows who else – Jonathan Betuel lets it be known he’s working on finally relaunching The Last Starfighter.

“There are a lot of things going on that will see the light of day,” Betuel told Yahoo.

When The Last Starfighter debuted in theaters in 1984, the original plan was for more movies; however, the film only lasted for a month as it was buried by the likes of GhostbustersGremlinsThe Karate Kid, and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The film was lauded for its special effects, but eventually, the special effects company behind The Last Starfighter was bought out and went bankrupt – with some of the designers landing at other places including working on top-notch movies such as Jurassic Park, the Terminator franchise and Men In Black.

That said, The Last Starfighter definitely hasn’t burned out as noted celebrities such as Seth Rogen and Steven Spielberg once attempted to aquire the rights. In addition, whatever legal hurdles that may have been in the way seem to be no more, though Betuel does’t offer specifics.

“This gets tied up in all kinds of stuff [regarding] what the next step is, and I’m working on that right now… There are a lot of things going on that will see the light of day,” Betuel said. “It’s complicated, it’s great, it’s a privilege, and it’s going to be taken care of… It’s good to be working with a team that wants to see it go. I think that the story deserves to continue.”

The Last Starfigher starred Lance Guest as Alex, a trailer park kid, who beats The Last Star Fighter video game, which in reality is an intergalatic test for fighter pilots. The alien known as Centauri, played by Robert Preston, is then sent by the Star League to recruit Alex to be a starfighter in a galactic war.

Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada.

Check out the “modern” trailer:

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