Jason Momoa May Still Play The Crow


jason momoa the crow reboot

It’s learned the remake of The Crowe movie has found a new home with Sony Pictures, and that it also may still star Jason Momoa.

THR reports Sony has signed on to distribute The Crow remake, which may also have Corin Hardy (The Nun, The Hallow) on board as director.  

The Crow has been in limbo for some time as it was at Relativity with various actors and directors attached, but obviously went nowhere.

Now The Crow is moving forward with Sony, but the report states both Jason Momoa and Corin Hardy are not officially on board as of yet, but it’s said “insiders say the plan does includes them coming on in the near term.”

It’s further said the new Crow movie will be more in line with the James O’Barr comic book than the Brandon Lee 1994 movie.

Jason Momoa can next be seen as Aquaman in the Justice League movie this November.

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