Jared Leto’s Joker: Kiss His Ass If You Don’t Like How He Works

Jared Leto Joker Suicide Squad Condoms

Jared Leto appeared on SiriusXM and was asked a few things about how he prepares for his various movie roles, which includes Joker in Suicide Squad.

When Suicide Squad finished filming, many sites reported on the different Joker gifts that Jared Leto was said to have given out, with some even stating Jared Leto gave out used condoms.

In the video below, Jared Leto says he never gave out used condoms and a lot of what surrounded the Joker gifts was taken way out of context by people. Jared Leto says the entire cast gave out Joker-themed gifts to each other and it was never meant to offend, but was more about having fun and an artistic take on their jobs.

“It was anything but [offensive],” Jared Leto explained. “It was in good fun and light-hearted, and everything it should have been, but that is the world we live in.” 

Jared Leto continued with mention that he took the role of Joker serious, and also has a few words to say to the public at large.

“Was I focused when doing all of these scenes? Of course. You’re stepping into big shoes,” Leto said. “Look. You work the way you work. I work the way I work. You can kiss my ass if you don’t like it. I’m talking to the public. You know,” Leto said.

Watch the video below for more from Jared Leto, who is said to be returning as the Joker for Gotham City Sirens, Suicide Squad 2 and a solo Harley Quinn and Joker movie.

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