James Gunn Says Spider-Man Is More Than Awesome In Captain America: Civil War


Check out James Gunn below from the set of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Gunn mentions he just shot a scene involving Chris Pratt and Kurt Russell in their costumes, but could say no more.

As they are getting ready to shoot another scene, which will take about twenty minutes to set up, Gunn took the time to talk to fans on Facebook.

Some highlights:

Everybody is asking Gunn for his opinion on Batman Vs. Superman, but he hasn’t seen it, yet.

Gunn says he doesn’t want to direct Star Wars.

A lot of fans thought Gunn was showing off the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 trailer, but he’s not.

There is no Star-Lady.

They’ve been shooting for twenty days.

Gunn has no interest in being president of the United States.

Gunn said he watched the first two episode of Daredevil Season 2? and heard it gets better. Gunn says he liked the first season a lot.

Hasn’t been able to keep up with The Walking Dead.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is supposed to wrap filming in June.

Gunn says he has lots of songs he wants on Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Vol. 2, but obviously can’t use them all. He can’t share them all, that’s the difficult part.

Gunn says Civil War is awesome.

Gunn says he has quit addressing rumors (won’t comment on potential actors in GOTG 2).

Gunn says he’s Team Iron Man.

Really liked the movie Ex Machina.

First Marvel comic Gunn remembers reading is an issue of Thor.

Drax would probably not like being told to register for something.

Thanos has zero role in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

The story is about the Guardians.

Liked 10 Cloverfield a lot.

Not sure what he is going to do following Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Marvel has asked him to continue on, but Gunn says he is not sure, yet.

Kurt Russell has been a delight to work with, is having so much fun and really committed to the role he is playing.

They’re blessed to have such a good group of people to work with.

Spider-Man is more than awesome in Civil War, he’s incredible.

No interest in directing the Spawn reboot.

Pom Klementieff fits the role of Mantis so perfectly it’s shocking.

Odds of Rom Spaceknight? Zero. Story is owned by Marvel (Spaceknights). Hasbro owns the character. Gunn would be intersted if it was possible.

Rocket and Groot are his favorites.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 has a May 5, 2017 release


Live from my trailer on the set of GotG Vol 2

Posted by James Gunn on Tuesday, March 29, 2016

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