James Gunn’s Brightburn Final Trailer Is Here


Sony releases the final trailer for James Gunn’s Brightburn movie featuring an evil look at the alien child.

Gunn put together the movie along with his brothers which is a spin on the classic Superman story.

Brightburn is directed by David Yarovesky, written by Mark Gunn & Brian Gunn, produced by James Gunn and Kenneth Huang, and executive produced by Mark Gunn, Brian Gunn, Dan Clifton, Simon Hatt, and Nic Crawley, and stars Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Matt Jones, and Meredith Hagner.


Before James Gunn became known as the director of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, he was our guy. A horror filmmaker who got his start with Troma before penning the incredible Dawn of the Dead remake and eventually helming the cult classic SLiTHER. Now, he’s helping introduce new filmmakers to our genre, with the latest an anti-superhero movie from David Yarovesky.

Elizabeth Banks stars in BrightBurn, a super-villain origin story that takes the core concept of Superman and flips it. In the film, a young boy (Jackson A. Dunn) not of this world is taken in by human parents who believe him to be special. But not all who wear capes are heroes.

The film gets released May 24, 2019.

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