J.A. Bayona Rumored For Man of Steel 2?


Do we have our director for Man of Steel 2?

It’s being rumored/speculated that J.A. Bayona might have joined the DCEU.

J.A. Bayona, who is currently directing Jurassic World 2, has recently followed Geoff Johns on Twitter, with Johns also following Bayona.

While it is basically just speculation at this point, Johns has a habit of following people on Twitter that have become involved with the DCEU.

In addition, back in January saw J.A. Bayona state in a Reddit AMA that he wants to direct Superman:

The first movie I saw in my life was Superman. I was three years old. The first memory I had was Christopher Reeve flying in the suit. Directing a Superman film would be great. I always wanted to be Superman. That’s the film that made me want to become a director.

Regarding Man of Steel 2, the movie is currently in development and will star Henry Cavill. No details are known about Man of Steel 2, but it’s hoped the movie will feature Brainiac.

Dwayne Johnson, who shares the same manager as Henry Cavill, also confirmed an oncoming battle with Superman and a surprise intro for his character Black Adam. Maybe we’ll see The Rock in Man of Steel 2 as well?  

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