IT 2 Gets Jessica Chastain

IT 2 Gets Jessica Chastain

IT 2 will officially begin filming this Summer, and now it’s learned Jessica Chastain has joined the cast of the sequel.

It’s also reported that James McAvoy and Bill Hader are in talks for roles as the adult versions of the children.

Jessica Chastain is playing the adult Beverly Marsh, the group’s lone female member who as an adult ends up in an abusive marriage.

James McAvoy would play the role of the adult Bill Denbrough, the unofficial leader of the group of kids nicknamed the Losers Club, who grows up to be a successful author. When he returns to face his past, his old stutter resurfaces.

Bill Hader is up to play the adult Richie Tozier, the jokester who grows up to be a DJ. 

It’s also confirmed Bill Skarsgard will return as Pennywise.

The kid actors from the first IT are also expected back.

It: Chapter Two is scheduled to start filming in July and has a Sept. 6, 2019 release date directed by Andy Muschietti with Gary Dauberman also back writing the script.

(via THR)

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