Independence Day’s Roland Emmerich Slams Marvel Movies & Superman


Roland Emmerich, known for directing the Independence Day movies, White House Down and The Patriot, isn’t a big fan of superhero movies.

Actually, it doesn’t sounds as if Emmerich is a fan of them at all and specifically mentions Marvel.

“When you look at my movies it’s always the regular Joe Schmo that’s the unlikely hero. A lot of Marvel movies, they show people in funny suits running around,” Emmerich said, reports the UK’s Mirror.

Emmerich continues with what sounds like a dig on Superman as well.

I don’t like people in capes. I find it silly when someone dons a superhero suit and flies. I don’t understand it. I grew up in Germany, that’s probably why,” Emmerich said.

Roland Emmerich’s next movie, Independence Day: Resurgence, gets this released this Friday. It’s probably safe to assume a regular Joe Schmo saves the day in the film.

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