I Hated The Flash “Invincible” Ending



Were we watching Man of Steel or Batman Vs. Superman tonight?

The Flash happens to be my favorite show (or was?) on television right now. It’s funny, it’s bright, it’s colorful — it’s a superhero show.

However, all that went down the drain as the end of “Invincible” saw the “D” in “DC” become depression.

Spoilers follow.

Just when Barry gets his dad back, DC takes him away, and I think it’s safe to say that John Wesley Shipp has fast become a fan-favorite character on The Flash, playing Henry Allen. This episode even saw Shipp reunited with his ’90s Flash co-star Amanda Pays, which suggested a possible budding romance, but alas, that was not to be.

Zoom ended up killing Henry Allen at the end of the episode (watch below). As the events unfolded, I found myself telling showrunner Greg Berlanti not to do it! Bummer. 

I found the death rather meaningless. It didn’t need to be done (unless of course Henry Allen is going to appear in the movies? ahem Black Canary, Amanda Waller, Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, etc, etc, etc). Sure there was a lot of build up with Barry being “invincible,” but then he didn’t even try to save his dad (you’re “invincible!” – at least try, dude!). And we already know Zoom is an uber bad dude; did he need to kill Barry’s father (did I mention played by fan-favorite John Wesley Shipp?) to prove he’s even a badder dude? I didn’t think so. Case in point: It’s probably a safe guess Barry takes down Zoom in the season 2 finale next week, so why even bother killing off Henry Allen? It comes off as unneeded and pointless. It comes off just for show. It comes off as eyerolling and bland.  Grant Gustin and John Wesley Shipp provided some the most heartfelt moments on the series, and now that’s gone.

Honestly, what this episode did kill is my excitement for next week’s season finale and the series. Come on, guys.


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