Green Lantern Corps Production Sheet Leaks Online


Following my write-up on the details and rumors from earlier, now a Green Lantern Corps production sheet has leaked online offering inside information into the movie.

Worth a note is that the Green Lantern Corps production information is probably old as Christopher McQuarrie has since signed on for two more Mission: Impossible movies. The sheet below lists Green Lantern Corps as having a 2020 release date, which means McQuarrie wouldn’t be available (and the movie isn’t in production, yet). Of course, a different director could always come on board, but the sheet also has Jon Berg as a senior executive, who left DC December 2017 (so this production info looks to be over a year old). Geoff Johns also appears to be rewriting the Goyer script.

The below info also looks to be the source or at least confirms rumors from early 2018 as well, as it confirms the rumor surrounding the age of Hal Jordan (Tom Cruise has been rumored which fits with Christopher McQuarrie directing) and a younger John Stewart. 

Green Lantern Corps Production Sheet

Logline: Former test pilot Hal Jordan, now a veteran of the intergalactic group of protectors for peace and justice known as the Green Lantern Corps, mentor young recruit John Stewart. Release date in 2020.

Jon Berg is listed as an exec, Geoff Johns as producer with David S. Goyer as writer and producer, and Justin Rhodes as writer.

Christopher McQuarrie listed as being interested as director. 

Hal Jordan is described as the lead, male, 39-50: Now a veteran of the Green Lantern Corps., Caucasian. Former military test-pilot. 

John Stewart, lead, male, 31-30: Young, African-American. Marine Sniper before he joined the Lantern Corps.

Green Lantern Corps production sheet

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