Gorilla Grodd Planned Long-Term For The Flash


Last we saw of Grodd in The Flash he was off to Gorilla City, and while that’s the last we’ll see of the mind-controlling gorilla this Season, it’s learned more is to come.

The Flash Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg offered they are building up Grodd much like they did with the Arrow villain, Ra’s Al Ghul, which may mean Grodd as potential main bad guy in Season 3 or later down the road.

“I would liken the Gorilla City thing to Ra’s al Ghul. You know, you hear about “the man from nanda part” in [Arrow] Season 1, and “the man who showed Malcolm the way,” and then you met Nyssa, then in Season 3 you met Ra’s. So, it’s a long-term thing.”

(via Collider)

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