Gabriel Luna Terminator Fan Art

Gabriel Luna Terminator Fan Art

Two days ago saw it learned that Gabriel Luna will play the new Terminator for Deadpool director Tim Miller and James Cameron.

Now check out fan art of the Agents of SHIELD Ghost Rider actor as the Terminator!

Gabriel Luna Terminator

Details known for the new Terminator 6 movie include Colombian actress Natalia Reyes will play the main female lead as Dani, described as a young woman from a working class neighborhood in Mexico City who finds herself in the battle between humans and machines. 

Mexican-born Diego Boneto has also been cast Dani’s brother, and it’s said Mackenzie Davis is playing an soldier-assassin from the future.

The report from a couple of days ago also saw it said that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton would return for Terminator 6, but only in a brief appearance.  

Plot details are unknown at the time, but it was previously said Terminator 6 would be investigating the origins of why the Terminators chose Arnold Schwarzenegger’s human form as version for their models.

Terminator 6 has a November 22, 2019 release with Man of Steel and Dark Knight writer David S. Goyer writing the script.

(art via Boss Logic)

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