The Flash 3×16 “Into The Speed Force” Promo


Wow! What an episode of The Flash tonight!

Not only does Savitar return, but Wally West gets trapped within the Speed Force, and it all seems to be Barry’s fault?!

Savitar also once again says he is the future Flash, but what does that exactly mean? Is Savitar telling Barry he is the future? Or is Savitar telling Barry he is the Future Flash?!

Watch the promo for the next episode below.

Any guesses as to the identity of Savitar? Or did Savitar already tell us who he is–the Future Flash!


BARRY TURNS TO THE SPEED FORCE – Desperate to stop Savitar and save his friends, Barry (Grant Gustin) turns to the speed force for answers. H.R. (Tom Cavanagh) gives Jesse (guest star Violett Beane) some advice. Gregory Smith directed the episode written by Brooke Roberts & Judalina Neira (#316). Original airdate 3/14/2017.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8pm ET on The CW starring Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash, Candice Patton as Iris West, Panabaker as Caitlin Snow, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon, Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West, Tom Cavanagh as Dr. Harrison Wells and Jesse L. Martin plays Joe West.

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