‘Falcon and Winter Soldier’ Reveals New Bucky Costume, More


New set pics have hit social media from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier offering a look at the new costume for Sebastian Stan, as well as looks at Anthony Mackie and Daniel Bruhl.

Stan plays Bucky Barnes, aka Winter Soldier; Mackie plays Sam Wilson, aka Falcon, with Bruhl playing Zemo; previously released images have also shown Zemo with the iconic purple mask (see below).

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is due to air on Disney Plus Fall 2020 said to in part follow Falcon getting the Captain America shield; Wyatt Russell is also said to be playing John Walker, aka US Agent.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier images:

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Baron Zemo mask

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Baron Zemo concept art

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Sharon Carter concept art

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Bucky concept art

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