Doctor Strange: In The Multiverse Of Madness Announced At Comic-Con


During Marvel Studios Big Hall H presentation at Comic-Con saw Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness announced.

It’s revealed the sequel will feature Elizabeth Olsen who reprises as Scarlet Witch and that her Disney Plus series, WandaVision, directly leads to Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness.

Benedict Cumberbatch was also present at the SDCC.

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness will fight villains from across the multiverse. It will dip into the gothic and horror. The first scary MCU film.

Doctor Strange will be “destroyed a bit.”

“Just because Quentin Beck makes up lies about the multiverse doesn’t mean it isn’t real,” Scott Derrickson, the Doctor Strange 2 director said about Spider-Man: Far From Home.

“He’ll be facing unexpected things. I think he’ll be in a position rather like the audience of not knowing what’s coming at him,” Cumberbatch said at the panel. “There was a lot of authority, I thought, in the Avengers iterations, so we’re going back to kind of destroy him, I think.”

The flick gets released May 7, 2021.


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