Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch Visits Comic Book Store In Viral Video


Benedict Cumberbatch visits a comic book store while filming Marvel’s Doctor Strange movie from back in 2016, which director Scott Derrickson recently posted on Twitter that has since gone viral with over a million views.

Images and video of Benedict Cumberbatch visiting the comic book shop actually first appeared online way back in April of 2016, as Doctor Strange was filming in NYC, but this video posted by Derrickson is more from Cumberbatch’s perspective.

Doctor Strange walks into the comic book shop, says hello to a few customers, and takes pictures.

While Derrickson says it’s in Manhattan, I believe it actually took place at JHU Comic Books located on 32nd Avenue in Staten Island. 

Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch video:

The manager posted about the experience on the store blog back then:

Benedict Cumberbatch was incredibly nice, gracious and he and I went back and forth with some banter for a little bit before he had to go right back out and shoot more scenes. He didn’t have time to do much more than shake hands, talk and take a few pictures, but we totally understood that and were lucky just to have him in! Z. decided a comparison picture was in order and handed him “The Oath.” I was able to get my picture with him and then he had to go. The whole thing lasted no more than a few minutes, but luckily we were able to get some pictures of it and the very few of us that were there have some unforgettable memories.

I don’t usually get star-struck, but it’s a different situation when one of the best actors of our time is standing before you in full costume, in your store, while filming the big-budget movie of a character you’ve loved since you were a small child. I felt like a 5 year-old.

Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch visits comic book shop:


So, the Doctor just came in for a quick visit. #drstrange #benedictcumberbatch

Posted by JHU Comic Books on Sunday, April 3, 2016

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