‘Doctor Strange’ 2 LEGO Confirms Gargantos


A Doctor Strange 2 LEGO set looks to confirm a previously rumored villain for the flick and the possible actress playing the part.

Eagle-eyed Redditors have spotted a listing for what looks to be a Doctor Strange 2 LEGO set on lego.com that lists a LEGO Marvel “Gargantos Showdown​” set which will be released in 2022.

Update: The box art reveals evil Scarlet Witch and more.

Update #2: Check out the box art for the LEGO set below.

Doctor Strange 2 LEGO Marvel Gargantos Showdown set:

Doctor Strange 2 LEGO Gargantos

Yenifer Molina said to be playing Gargantos:

It has previously been said that Latino actress Yenifer Molina is playing Gargantos in the film as the actress’ Mandy page lists her as “Gargantos Fight 2.”

In the comics, Gargantos is actually a sea-monster octopus who first appeared in an issue of Sub-Mariner (Namor) #13 back in 1969. Gargantos is under the command of the King of Lemuria, Naga, who happens to have control of the mystical object known as the Serpent Crown, so if Yenifer Molina is playing Gargantos, it seems as if Kevin Feige is once again taking the MCU in a completely different direction because I don’t think the monster has ever taken a human form.

Gargantos Marvel Comics

Many tentacled beings rumored for Doctor Strange 2

What is also interesting is that Gargantos resembles Shuma-Gorath who is also rumored for Doctor Strange 2, so maybe the flick will feature various tentacled creatures?

As Doctor Strange 2 is a Marvel Multiverse movie, anything can happen so bear that in mind, and with Gargantos’ possible connection to the Serpent Crown, recall how Captain America: Civil War was first titled “The Serpent Society,” as in the comics, the Deviant priest-lord Ghaur and the former Lemurian empress Llyra contacted Sidewinder, thinking he still headed the Serpent Society, to hire them to find certain mystical objects they needed to reconstruct the Serpent Crown.

The Serpent Crown also happens to involve the demon Set, another creature that resembles tentacles and such as the character is composed of snakeheads.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness gets released May 6, 2022 directed by Sam Raimi and also stars Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch, Benedict Wong as Wong, with Rachel McAdams, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Xochitl Gomez as America Chavez.

Yenifer Molina:

(via Reddit)

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