Director Teases Terminator: Dark Fate Trailer


Deadpool director Tim Miller teases the release of the new Terminator: Dark Fate trailer on social media with a new image released from the movie featuring Linda Hamilton who returns as Sarah Connor.

“I like to spend every #TerminatorDay in a dark room thinking dark thoughts & our edit bay is the perfect place! We’re here putting the finishing touches on our FIRST TRAILER-we’re just weeks away from releasing this f-cker into the wild & we’re very, very excited,” the official Terminator Twitter accounted tweeted.

The image features Linda Hamilton looking pretty bad a– sporting sunglasses and a rocket launcher, with the synopsis for the movie also stating: Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (T-800) return in their iconic roles in Terminator: Dark Fate, directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool) and produced by visionary filmmaker James Cameron and David Ellison. Following the events of Terminator 2: Judgment DayTerminator: Dark Fate also stars Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes, Gabriel Luna, and Diego Boneta.

The film gets released November 1, 2019. Check out additional images below including Arnold Schwarnzegger.

Terminator Dark Fate Linda Hamilton


Terminator Dark Fate Linda Hamilton

Terminator: Dark Fate images

Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator 6

Linda Hamilton Terminator 6

Natalie Reyes Terminator 6

Terminator 6

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