Deadly Class Comic-Con Trailer From Russo Brothers

Deadly Class Comic-Con Trailer From Russo Brothers

Check out the latest comic book adaptation from Joe and Anthony Russo, the directors behind The Avengers: Infinity War and upcoming The Avengers 4, with SYFY’s Deadly Class.

The show is produced by the Russo brothers and based on the best-selling graphic novel from Rick Remender and artist Wes Craig.

Deadly Class premieres next year.

Deadly Class is a coming of age journey full of ancient mystery and teen angst. Set in a dark, comic book world against the backdrop of late 80s counter culture, it follows a homeless teen recruited into a storied elite private school where the world’s top crime families send their next generations. Maintaining his moral code while surviving a ruthless curriculum, vicious social cliques and his own adolescent uncertainties soon proves to be vital.

Rick Remender and Miles Orion Feldsott adapted the series for TV and are executive producers with Joe Russo, Anthony Russo and Mike Larocca . Adam Targum from Chipmunk Hill also served as executive producer on the pilot, along with Lee Toland Krieger (The Age of Adaline), who also directed.

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