DC Comics announces its NYCC schedule which includes the Batman NFTs, Superman, and more.
I had high hopes of attending the NYCC this year after a three-year absence and even have an exclusive invite to the Bat Cowl Holders NFTs Exclusive Event on Thursday with Jim Lee, but I won’t be attending the NYCC.
Even though it’s not mandated, ReedPop has decided to mandate masks for the NYCC. The same happened for the SDCC, and it wasn’t enforced, but I’m not wasting my time.
For the DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Member and Bat Cowl Holders Exclusive Event (check out the NFT comic book here featuring Batman vs Brainiac), they also mandated vaccine requirements or a negative test, so I won’t be attending that, either.
Basically what seems to be going on with the NYCC and the same with SDCC is that all these same people from California are attending and ruining things for everyone.
Maybe in the future, they will decide to move things to Florida. Have fun.

Press Release
DC is back in New York City this week for New York Comic-Con, with a line-up of can’t miss panels, special events, and giveaways! Check out the list below, including a special event just for our DC UNIVERSE INFINITE subscribers and Bat-Cowl holders, and see you in New York.
DC Comics’ New York Comic Con 2022 Panels & Events
Thursday, October 6
Explore the DC Multiverse
Date/Time: Thursday, October 6 at 1:45 p.m. ET
Location: 406.1
DC and The World’s Greatest Super Heroes the home for fans of great superhero storytelling worldwide! The creative talent behind some of DC’s most popular characters are on hand to give behind the scenes details on their stories and how everything is headed towards huge events in the future.
Mahmud Asrar
Stephanie Williams
Bernard Chang
Dan Mora
Matt Rosenberg
DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Member and Bat Cowl Holders Exclusive Event
An exclusive NYCC event with Jim Lee, Tom King, Marc Silvestri in conversation on Friday for DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Subscribers and Bat Cowl Holders.
Friday, October 7
Harley Quinn’s 30th Pop Up Celebration
Date/Time: Friday, October 7 starting at 9:00 a.m. ET
Location: on 36th Ave. between 11th St. and 10th St.
On Friday, October 7th, from 9:00am ET to 3:00pm ET, DC will be celebrating Harley Quinn’s 30th outside the Javits Center in New York City, for New York Comic Con attendees and Harley Quinn fans to get free Harley Quinn comics, swag, and breakfast, as well as cupcakes to celebrate.
Jim Lee & Friends
Date/Time: Friday, October 7 at 3:15 p.m. ET
Location: 406.1
DC is highlighting some of the incredible talent and showcasing the biggest books coming out of DC this year and next!
To be revealed on the panel!
Saturday, October 8
DC’s Superman
Date/Time: Saturday, October 8 at 1:45 p.m. ET
Location: 406.1
This November marks the 30th Anniversary of The Death of Superman, at a moment when DC’s Superman story is more dynamic than ever. Writers Dan Jurgens (The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary), Joshua Williamson (Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths), Mark Russell (Superman: Space Age) and Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Action Comics) are joined by moderator Alex Segura (Superman: Kal-El Returns), to share what’s comings up for the iconic Super Hero in 2023.
Josh Williamson
Alex Segura
Mark Russell
Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Dan Jurgens
Sunday, October 9
DC’s Gotham City
Date/Time: Sunday, October 9 at 10:45 a.m.
Location: 406.1
Find out what’s next for the famous—and infamous—Gotham City, and its denizens of Super-Villains and Super Heroes.
Ram V
Meghan Fitzmartin
Ed Brisson
Frank Tieri
& More!