David Hasselhoff Confirms Sharknado 4


While Sharknado 3 is set to wreck havoc this Summer on SyFy, it’s learned that a fourth movie will be made to further terrorize television viewers.

David Hasselhoff, who has a role in the third movie playing father to Ian Ziering’s character, tells Huff Post the producers want him back for the fourth movie.

Hasselfhoff says: “[Sharknado 3] is the worst movie you have ever seen. The first one was the worst. The second one was even worse than the first. I’m so honored to be in Sharknado 3. And I tell ya, I had so much fun making the movie. The people making the movie have such a great sense of humor. They are the nicest people. Everybody is in on the joke, and it is so much fun. I’m telling you this thing is going to go on forever. And the last shot of me is on the top of the moon, and I say, ‘Are you going to kill me?” and they say, ‘No. You are going to be in Sharknado 4.’ I went in there no knowing what to expect. I laughed for three days.”

Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! premieres Wednesdays, July 22nd at 9pm ET.


Sharknadowill cause mass destruction in Washington, D.C. before roaring down the Eastern Seaboard and into Florida, and stars Ian Ziering as Fin, Tara Reid as April and Cassie Scerbo as Nova. Joining them will be David Hasselhoff as Fin’s father, Gil; Bo Derek will play April’s mother, May; Ryan Newman will play April and Fin’s daughter, Claudia Shepard, and Jack Griffo will portray Claudia’s friend, Billy.

Additional cameo roles include Mark Cuban as the President of the United States; Ann Coulter as the Vice President; Michele Bachmann as herself; Jerry Springer as Mr. White, a manic tourist; Washington Redskins tackle Tom Compton as a reporter; *NSYNC singer Chris Kirkpatrick as a pool lifeguard, and Chris Jericho, who will portray Bruce the roller coaster ride operator.

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