Young Justice Season 3 Meeting Said To Have Taken Place, But Not With Peter David


A couple of days ago saw news hit that Peter David was approached by Netflix for Young Justice Season 3.

Cosmic Book News reported on it, which went viral, reaching over half a million people on our social networks alone.

It’s safe to say that a lot of fans want a Young Justice Season 3.

Following our reporting on the subject, Young Justice creator Greg Weisman tweeted out it’s not true, and that Peter David was misquoted, which Peter David followed up with a tweet of his own.

Now Peter David has taken to his blog to post about the mix-up noting he had lunch with Greg Weisman a few weeks ago — not with Netflix. It’s possible the fan may have mixed up mention of Greg Weisman as being an official representative of Netflix.

Here’s what Peter David had to say on the matter:

“Mr. David, what are the chances of ‘Young Justice’ getting a third season?”

“Well, I had lunch with Greg Weisman a few weeks ago, and he said that Netflix is seriously considering ordering a third season because they’re impressed with how much people are watching it. So if you want to make it happen, keep on doing that.”

That’s what I’ve been saying for the past month, countless times, ever since I had lunch with Greg before San Diego. Seems pretty straightforward.

And suddenly I’ve been getting barraged with tweets and emails from fans asking me if it’s true that I’ve had a meeting with Netflix about writing the third season. Why? Because someone asked me the question at the recent Terrificon in Connecticut and, rather than report the answer I’ve given at least a hundred times, he instead provided his own version. I’ve no doubt it was an innocent mistake, but it’s caused a MAJOR headache for me.

Furthermore I’m now worried it could do damage to the cause, because people might think, “We did it! There’s gonna be a third season, done deal!” and then stop watching. Which would then cause Netflix to say, “Hunh, people have stopped watching, guess it was just a passing fad,” and that’s that.

So I will say it once more: It is NOT a done deal. So continue watching “Young Justice” if you want to have a hope of a third season.


Obviously there seems to be confusion regarding who said what, but what holds true is that Young Justice Season 3 is not green lit and to continue watching season 1 and 2 on Netflix.

Interestingly enough, one of Greg Weisman’s tweets did confirm some sort of meeting did take place with Netflix about Young Justice Season 3, which may be where the mix-up occurred (and not with Peter David’s involvement).

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