Marvel Comics Killing Off Character in Civil War 2


With the upcoming release of the Captain America: Civil War movie, Marvel Comics is also releasing a new Civil War II comic this year.

Now it’s learned Marvel Comics is killing off a character with the event.

According to the NY Daily News, the death comes at the hands of a “fellow costumed hero.”

The superhero to die obviously isn’t revealed, but Marvel Comics writer James Robinson offered the following:

 β€œThat’s like an epic,” says Robinson. β€œI’m genuinely shocked.” 

The plot of the series is also revealed:

β€œA mysterious new Marvel character comes to the attention of the world, one who has the power to calculate the outcome of future events with a high degree of accuracy,” according to the synopsis. β€œThis predictive power divides the Marvel heroes on how best to capitalize on this aggregated information, with Captain Marvel leading the charge to profile future crimes and attacks before they occur, and Iron Man adopting the position that the punishment cannot come before the crime.”   

Bendis, writer of the Civil War II event, also offered the following about the story:

β€œPeople’s personal accountability is the theme of this one,” Bendis explains to his peers of his project with artist David Marquez. β€œFrom the way cops are acting on camera, to the way people talk to each other online.”

As the story unfolds this new seer predicts the hero in question will be the cause of a major incident of destruction in three days, requiring the other good guys to make a tough call. The writer just hasn’t figured what or how bad that cataclysm will be.

β€œIt has to fall somewhere between Hitler and self-defense,” Bendis says. 

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