Indiana Jones 5 Gets Jurassic Park & Spider-Man Writer


A couple of days ago Disney officially announced Indiana Jones 5 is in the works with Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford returning.

Now it’s learned the co-writer behind the previous Indiana Jones movie, Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, is also returning, with David Koepp.

THR reports the longtime Spielberg writer is back, but as of now, no plot details for Indiana Jones 5 are known.

While it may sounds like a red flag with the writer behind the disastrous Kingdom of The Crystal Skull being brought back, bear in mind David Koepp worked off of George Lucas’ original story idea as well as Jeff Nathanson’s several drafts (more than likely Koepp was brought on to try and salvage whatever he could from Lucas’ ideas).

The report also notes it’s unclear if Lucas will be involved with Indiana Jones 5. It’s possible, similar to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Lucas may be on the sideline again.

The good news is that David Koepp also wrote Jurassic Park and the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man film as well as Mission Impossible, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Toy Soldiers, so we shouldn’t worry too much. Koepp is also behind Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and the adaptation of Dan Brown novel that stars Tom Hanks, Inferno.

The fifth untitled Indiana Jones movie has a July 19, 2019 release date.

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