Disney Continues Cancelling X-Men & Fantastic Four Merchandise


It’s been stated Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter isn’t happy that Fox Studios owns the rights to the X-Men and Fantastic Four, so much so that Permlutter has ordered the cancellation of the comics and merchandise.

As Rob Liefeld previously pointed out, there was no merchandise for X-Men: Days Of Future Past.

The Fantastic Four comic has been cancelled, and Wolverine has been killed off.

There is even Marvel Comics killing off the Fantastic Four actors.

Marvel/Disney, under what is said to be a mandate by billionaire Perlmutter, has also cancelled planned Fantastic Four posters and removed Fox Studios-owned characters from t-shirts.

Now the latest is confirmed to be the cancellation of both X-Men and Fantastic Four statues from XM Studios, which were underway with sculptures already designed.

Bleeding Cool points out XM Studios updated their Facebook page with the following:

Folks, it’s been a sad day for us… due to reasons we aren’t at liberty to disclose, we have been asked to put a hard stop to all X-Men characters for now. That means Cable can’t be released, and neither can the awesome Sentinel Diorama which we’ve all been so looking forward to. Still, we continue to have faith that this isn’t an indefinite red light forever and you can have our promise we will be back to producing these dream pieces once the coast is clear – no matter how long it takes!


No Fantastic 4 too… same issue

Also, check out the original Secret Wars cover t-shirts that have been changed:

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