Chris Hemsworth Forgot About Leg Day


We’ve been covering how jacked Chris Hemsworth has gotten as of late for Thor: Love and Thunder and the Hulk Hogan biopic, but while the Australian actor shows off his guns on Instagram, apparently he forgot about leg day.

Hemsworth posted an image of himself showing off his ripped horseshoe triceps where he makes mention his son wants to be a superhero when he grows up – but not Thor he wants to be Superman – with the image showing off Hemsworth toothpick-sized legs (see below).

“Holding my little man’s hand and asking him the age-old question, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ ‘Dad I wanna be Superman.’ Lucky I have two other kids,” posted Hemsworth.

Chris Hemsworth forgot about leg day:

Chris Hemsworth skips leg day

Chris Hemsworth has toothpick-sized legs

Regarding the puny legs of Chris Hemsworth, it could be the angle of the photo, or it could be that since Hemsworth’s bare legs won’t be shown much onscreen that the actor and his trainer didn’t concentrate on building his legs and instead focused on his upper body.  Another issue could be that simply due to genetics, Hemsworth has really, really, really small calves (it’s hard to judge his quads and hamstrings).

What’s funny when I noticed how small his legs are, I went through his Instagram to see if I could find any other similar images, and when I went back and checked out the comments on the latest image, we see that Hemsworth’s brother, Luke, also took notice.

“Bro?! You’ve been skipping leg days again?!” joked Luke Hemsworth.

For those not in the know, “skipping leg day” is often joked about in gyms as it refers to those people who only workout their arms, chest, and back (or just the arms), and don’t do legs/squats. You’ll see people with a big upper body, which doesn’t match their lower body, again similar to this image of Chris Hemsworth (lol).

That said, the dude still has massive arms — which would look good in a polo shirt ;).

Chris Hemsworth skips leg day

Chris Hemsworth muscles:

Chris Hemsworth muscles Thor Hulk Hogan

Chris Hemsworth muscles Thor Hulk Hogan

Chris Hemsworth muscles Thor Hulk Hogan

Chris Hemsworth muscles Thor Hulk Hogan

Chris Hemsworth muscles Thor Hulk Hogan

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