Brie Larson’s ‘Remembering’ Full Of Dolphins and Rainbows [Trailer]

Brie Larson's 'Remembering' Full Of Dolphins and Rainbows

In addition to a new episode of She-Hulk, Disney Plus fans have a new Brie Larson short film to look forward to on Disney Plus on Thursday with Remembering.

Remembering is from filmmaker Elijah Allan-Blitz and is an Augmented Reality movie where fans can interact with the story using the companion Augmented Reality app.

Brie Larson spoke to Deadline about the project.

“We’d ask Dusty questions. What does the world of imagination look like? What are the rules? Elijah and I took those answers to some incredible artists to create all those visuals that you see in the film,” Larson said about the technical aspects of the film. “She’s the one who came up with Dolphin clouds and rainbows you can slide down.”

Remembering follows Brie Larson as a writer who forgets a very important idea when her phone rings. Personified as a golden light, this lost idea is found by the writer’s inner child who takes it on a journey through The World of Imagination. It is easy to lose touch with this world, but each of us can be inspired by it — if we just remember.

“It’s part of the magic of existence for me. I feel like my work is just to be available for it to arrive and then to be able to catch and capture it,” said Laron. “Life is a series of creating the right conditions for myself to be able to receive whatever that idea is for me. Sometimes it comes in form of story, or performance, but it’s coming from something. I feel like I’m just a conduit for it which is what we’re exploring in Remembering.”

Remembering also questions where do ideas come from and where do they go when they’re forgotten.

“I am where I’m at in my life and in my career based off of the inspiration of a child. I remember when I told my mom that wanted to be an actress,” said Larson. “Now, I’m living this remarkable life based off of true clarity from an incredibly shy, introverted child. It doesn’t make sense to think about how shy and introverted I was versus then wanting to do this very public, stand on a stage type of profession.”

Larson continued, “It’s terrifying to put our dreams and ideas out there when it might not work out.  You’re admitting to a desire or a belief or a dream that might not be, but the key is how we get to this point? It’s the same thing. It all cycles in on itself. Elijah had the idea of going outside of the rectangle and created a story that’s really going to live on.”

Remembering is available to watch on Disney Plus starting at 12am PST.

Remembering trailer:

Special Look | Remembering | Disney+
Special Look | Remembering | Disney+

Brie Larson in Remembering on Disney Plus:

Brie Larson in 'Remembering'
Brie Larson in ‘Remembering’
Brie Larson in 'Remembering'
Brie Larson in ‘Remembering’

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