Avengers: Infinity War Unlike Any Comic Book Movie Says Kevin Feige!


How big will Avengers: Infinity War be?!

Well, aside from the large cast, we don’t know just yet, but from the sound of what Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has to say–Avengers: Infinity War will be huge!

Fandango caught up with Feige recently who said, “It’s more exciting than people are aware of right now, with what’s happening [on Infinity War]. We’re doing things you’ve never seen before with films based on comics.”

The article also notes that Kevin Feige says “the production schedule alone is enormous and nothing like what you see on an average movie.”

Avengers: Infintity War will be tied into the untitled Avengers 4, with Feige admitting they just really started on the two movies.

“We’re deep into shooting; we’ve been shooting for 35 days. On most movies you’re almost halfway there after 35 days, but on these movies we’re still just scratching the surface. We’ll be filming through the end of the year,” Feige said.

The Avengers: Infinity War has a May 4, 2018 release; Avengers 4 is due out May 3, 2019. 

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