Following the 2-billion dollar release of The Avengers: Infinity War, fans are eager for the release of Avengers 4, which is less than a year away.
The end of Infinity War saw Thanos use the full power of the Infinity Gauntlet turning half the universe into dust, which includes some of the Marvel heroes.
With The Avengers 4 being less than a year away, writers Stephen McFeely and Chris Markus offer an update while appearing on a podcast with Kevin Smith telling him they will be back on it “tomorrow at 11 ‘o clock.”
“Status of Avengers 4 is that we shot it, but it’s not due for a while,” McFeely told Smith. “There’s time for reshoots and fixing, and we’re just scrubbing through it now. The Russo brothers have been in there for a few weeks now after the press tour and all that. And the whole team is getting together tomorrow.”
Markus continued joking that it’s frustrating Avengers 4 isn’t finished while Infinity War has been such a huge blockbuster.
“It’s disheartening to come off of the one that’s all done and made $2 billion and get in the room that’s just full of parts, you know?” Markus laughed. “And it’s just like ‘Oh sh-t, it’s not done.'”
Kevin Smith chimed in with: “There is just a lot of ash that blew away.”
McFeely then jokingly added, “Somebody has got to clean this up.”
The Avengers 4 gets released may 3, 2019, with reshoots set to kick off this Summer.