Arnold Schwarzenegger Done With Terminator; Sequels Scrapped


Update:  Terminator franchise is not dead; big announcement coming soon. 


It’s reported Paramount has scrapped any more planned Terminator sequels, and also that Arnold Schwarzenegger is done with the franchise.

According to the NY Daily News, inside sources filled them in that following Schwarzenegger’s short stint on Celebrity Apprentice that saw ratings plummet, that Paramount has decided not to pick up their option to bring Arnold Schwarzenegger back for more Terminator movies.

The same applies to Emilia Clarke, who recently stated she was done with Terminator as well (Clarke has since moved on to bigger and better things with Disney’s Han Solo).

“It is over for ‘The Terminator’ and Arnold,” the source said. “The studio has taken the sequel off the production slate completely, meaning there is no preproduction or any plans for another sequel. The talent had been offered long term deals, but this is not happening. The Genisys movie was seen as a way of reviving (the franchise), but the critics were not happy and somehow the studio bosses fell out of love with making more, even though they made huge profits.”

It is noted the only hope Arnold could be back for more Terminator movies is if an independent production company decided to take up the reins, but that’s said to be a long shot. In addition, the Terminator rights are set to return to James Cameron who is busy with Avatar so more than likely Cameron wouldn’t have the time for more Terminator films as well.

At one time a Terminator shared universe was being created as Genisys sequels were in the works in addition to a Terminator TV series; however, once Terminator: Genisys tanked in the U.S., the plans eventually fell apart. Terminator: Genisys only brought in $89.76 million domestically.

Arnold Schwarzenegger first appeared as the cyborg killing machine in 1984’s The Terminator.

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