Anthony Mackie Wants A New Falcon Costume & Every Marvel Movie


Anthony Mackie has been making the rounds as of late promoting his latest movie which also stars Kevin Costner, Black or White.

Of course Mackie has been asked about playing Falcon, which he confirmed will be in Captain America 3 and described it as “Avengers 3.8.”

Now the latest with Anthony Mackie is that the actor wants a new costume for Falcon and also wants to appear in every Marvel movie.

“I’ve been emailing with people over at Marvel,” Mackie said, reports THR. “I’ve been putting it out there in the [ether] that I’m going to have a new and improved costume and come out all flashy in spandex. So I’m hoping that I get a new and improved costume. That’s my whole thing. I’ve just been saying it, hoping that they’ll read it and say, ‘All right, we have to give Anthony a new costume.’”

Mackie continues with mention he hopes to appear in The Avengers 2 and jokes about every other Marvel movie.

“I hope. At this point, I have not. I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope,” Mackie said. “They’re doing reshoots and that’s why I’m letting them know I’m available. So whatever weekend they want me there, I’ll fly myself out and shoot whatever scene they want me in. Even if it’s like, ‘Oh man! It’s Iron Man and Hulk.’

“I heard today in one of the interviews that someone thought I was in Ant-Man,” Mackie said. “I hope so! I hope I’m in Ant-Man. I hope I’m in Hulk 3, I hope I’m in Thor 3 and Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Me and Groot can boogie!”

The Avengers: Age Of Ultron opens May 1st; Captain America: Civil War opens May 6, 2016.

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