Anthony & Joe Russo Talk Tone Of Infinity War Versus Captain America Movies


This past weekend saw directors Anthony and Joe Russo take part in the Captain America: Civil War panel. Below you can check out what the two had to say about the difference in tone between Infinity War and the Captain America movies.

Other panel highlights include:

• Frank Grillo Reveals Potential Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man & Cap Spoilers

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• Chris Evans Wants Captain America To Interact With Wolverine

• 67 Characters So Far For The Avengers: Infinity War

Watch the Captain America: Civil War panel


Joe Russo on Infinity War:

Joe Russo: We have some big stuff cooked up in Infinity War. We are literally finishing Civil War and prepping Infinity War at the same time. We have such a great interaction with the cast… It’s really steered the last two movies and will for the Infinity Warmovies — interacting with the cast and talking about how they want to evolve the characters and where they want to see the characters go. It creates a very organic and natural process, which I also think makes it surprising and exciting for you guys [the fans].


Differences in tone:

Joe Russo: Winter Soldier and Civil War are companion pieces. They are Captain America films,  driven by the tone and execution that is tied to that character. The style of camera work that we use in those movies, there is a style of performance we use in those films, music, everything ties together tonally in those movies.

You will see in Civil War a shift that occurs half way through the movie in tone and in camera work. That implies the difference you will see in Infinity War. Obviously, those are very large scale movies, which is why we chose to shoot those movies in IMAX because we want the scope, of what IMAX brings you, you have larger than life characers figuritively and literally.

So I think the tone of Infinity War will be a little different because you are also incorporating characters from other Marvel films that don’t have the same tone as the Captain America films. So the tone will shift. The camera work will shift. The music will shift.

I think everything will be distinctive in those movies, but I still think, you know ultimately, we love action… We’ll still have our action set pieces. I think there will be some continuity of style. We also want to have some surprises in store for you guys. We want to shift it up. You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over.


Anthony Russo on Infinity War:

Anthony Russo: The good news is that Infinity War is meant to be the culmination of the MCU up until this moment and be a comprehensive sort of culmination to what the MCU has been. I think on the up side, everybody is going to have an oppurtunity to interact with a whole bunch of people in not too long. That’s one of the exciting things about that film. 

“The Avengers: Infinity War” Part 1 hits May 4, 2018; Part 2 lands May 3, 2019.

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