Animated Indiana Jones Fan Project Hits Later This Month


Check out the poster and art below for an animated Indiana Jones fan project created by artist Patrick Schoenmaker.

“There you have it, September 29th is the official release date for my animated Indiana Jones project, so whip out your calenders and mark the date!” Schoenmaker posted on his blog, which contains a ton of more art related to the project. “Just a little disclaimer though, please don’t expect a full feature film, or even a 20 minute episode. Animation is a lot of work and there’s only so much you can accomplish with a small team of 1 and a handfull of assistants. Think more like something along the lines of a fully animated proof of concept.”

Schoenmaker was actually commissioned by LucasFilm a while back around the time of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crysal Skull movie to do an animated “Escaping the Tomb” print (see below). 

While just a fan project, Schoenmaker’s animated Indiana Jones project should be pretty cool (via slash film).

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