Advanced Review: Uncanny Avengers #1


Welcome to the most pre-ordered book of all time! The “Revolution” has begun and Marvel Now! is officially underway! 

Fan favorites, Rick Remender and John Cassady, have laid the groundwork for the future of the Marvel U. with a book that changes the status quo! Former heroes are behind bars, a classic X villain re-emerges with more than a little angst and a mass murderer gives a eulogy! Cyclops’ Extinction team is on the run and the mutant race is more hated than ever! Wait, how is this different? Because “big blue,” Captain America, has a plan to introduce the world to how heroic the X -Men have been over the years.

Everything tastes better when Cap’s got your back!

But seriously, Remender brings a voice to these characters – X-Men especially – that is just not found in their regular books. He brings a depth to them, a richness seldom found and it makes the debut issue of this series that much better. This book will sell no matter what, but it is the pitch perfect characterization by Remender that will keep the fans returning. From Xavier’s eulogy to the completely off-the-wall ending, you will be enthralled by every page. If this is the type of tales we can expect from the rest of the Marvel Now! books, we are in for a resurgence of the Marvel books of old!

Smart and intriguing with just a hint of Remender’s patented craziness — this one’s a solid read that will leave fans wanting more!

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