It: Chapter Two Comic-Con Trailer Now Online


Warner Bros. has released the IT: Chapter Two Comic-Con trailer featuring the return of Pennywise. 

Watch below!

IT: Chapter Two has a September 6 release directed by Andy Muschietti and stars Oscar nominee Jessica Chastain (“Zero Dark Thirty,” “Mama”) as Beverly, James McAvoy (“Split,” upcoming “Glass”) as Bill, Bill Hader (HBO’s “Barry,” “The Skeleton Twins”) as Richie, Isaiah Mustafa (TV’s “Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments”) as Mike, Jay Ryan (TV’s “Mary Kills People”) as Ben, James Ransone (HBO’s “The Wire”) as Eddie, and Andy Bean (“Allegiant,” Starz’ “Power”) as Stanley. Reprising their roles as the original members of the Losers Club are Jaeden Martell as Bill, Wyatt Oleff as Stanley, Jack Dylan Grazer as Eddie, Finn Wolfhard as Richie, Sophia Lillis as Beverly, Chosen Jacobs as Mike, and Jeremy Ray Taylor as Ben. Bill Skarsgård returns in the seminal role of Pennywise.

IT Chapter Two Comic-Con poster

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